As a parent, you already know that vaping is a hot trend among teenagers in the United States. Vape products are marketed heavily, and because its available for purchase virtually everywhere, many teens feel that vaping is safe and cool.
Nothing can be further from the truth.
Vaping is highly addictive, and a new generation of young people can get hooked on nicotine. If you are asking what are the dangers of vaping for teens, this article will give you the information you need to educate yourself and your teen. If your son or daughter is addicted to vaping, call Thrive Teen today. We provide evidence-based treatment and support to help your teen kick the vaping habit for good.
Thrive Teen can help your child quit vaping. Contact us today to learn more about our Teen Treatment Program.
If you are new to the world of vaping, vaping is the act of inhaling and exhaling the vapor produced by the heated nicotine liquid (often called “juice”) of an electronic cigarette (e-cigarette or e-cig), vape pen, or personal vaporizer. Originally designed as a way to help smokers kick the habit, vape products have received an image overhaul. With sleek designs and flavors such as mango and peach, vape products have saturated the young adult market. In fact, it is reported that 800,000 teens vaped in the past year.
As a parent seeing the vaping trend explode, you wonder what are the dangers of vaping for teens. The effects of vaping on teens are significant, dramatic, and dangerous. First and foremost, many vape pens and other related products contain nicotine. Nicotine is a highly addictive drug and is thought to be more addictive than heroin. Almost immediately, nicotine affects the brain chemistry of young people, and it impacts their ability to focus and learn. In some respects, vaping can be a “gateway drug” that can lead to other addictions.
While vapes and e-cigarettes have fewer chemicals than traditional cigarettes, what is present is still toxic. The aerosols found in vape products contain ultrafine particles, which can cause lung disease. Also, vapes contain chemicals such as lead and formaldehyde. If a teen tries to quit vaping, they will experience nicotine withdrawal which can include the following symptoms:
Teens who vape can also have an increased vulnerability to health issues such as chronic bronchitis, lung damage, and even impotence.
If your teen is vaping, you need to have a serious conversation about its dangers and persuade them to stop before they become addicted. As you know, talking to a teenager can be tricky and risky business. Teens can be extremely defiant and resistant, and talking the wrong approach can push them further away from you. However, there are ways you can get your point across and have the message stick:
Like with any addiction, do your research on vaping and its dangers. Talk to your doctor or local professional and review information provided on reputable websites. You don’t have to be an expert, but having working knowledge of the pitfalls of vaping and the motivations behind why teens vape is a great start.
Put yourself in your child’s shoes. Think about the pressures and obstacles of their everyday lives. Go back and think about when you were a kid and remind them you are in their corner. An empathetic approach with good communication results in teens taking fewer risks and even quitting vaping altogether.
When talking to your child, avoid frustration or judgment. Have an open discussion and not a lecture. Be calm and focused on talking about the facts of vaping and its harms. If your teen picks up that you are being confrontational, they will become defensive and the conversation will go nowhere.
It is important to pick a time where your child is free from distraction. Perhaps that time is watching TV together or maybe even passing a vape shop. Mention vaping when it is fresh in your mind and start the conversation.
Despite the marketing campaigns, vaping isn’t cool or hip; it’s dangerous to your child’s physical and mental well-being. If your child needs help in quitting vaping, Thrive Teen is here to help. As one of Southern California’s top-tier rehab centers, Thrive Teen features evidence-based programs, support, and services that empowers teens to quit vaping for good. Call Thrive Teen right now to learn more about mental health treatment for teens in California.