For many teenagers, the ability to express their emotions and feelings is difficult. This is especially true for teens who struggle with mental illness and substance abuse. Helping teens find ways to communicate what they think and feel is the key to long-term health and well-being. For teenagers who are in treatment for mental illness or addiction, art therapy for teens provides the tools to fully become honest and confident in how they express themselves to others.
This article will dive deeper into art therapy for teens and its benefits. You will learn about the various art therapy types for teens and where you can find art therapy for teens in Southern California. If your son or daughter needs help, call Thrive Treatment for Teens. Our top-tier mental health services for teens in California provides evidence-based treatment and expert support that will help your adolescent become healthy and happy.
What exactly is art therapy for young adults?
The American Art Therapy Association defines art therapy as the following:
“Art Therapy is an integrative mental health and human services profession that enriches the lives of individuals, families, and communities through active art-making, creative process, applied psychological theory, and human experience within a psychotherapeutic relationship.”
In simple terms, art therapy allows people to use artistic channels to foster healing and well-being. This powerful form of therapy helps people who cannot verbalize what they are thinking and feeling have a way to communicate meaningfully with others. As a formal program, art therapy became popular in psychiatric hospitals in the 1940s and 1950s. Currently, art therapy is practiced in many different settings and for people of any age.
Art therapy for teens is effective in the fact that it is a non-threatening medium. Through art, teens can convey feelings and reveal life events that feel risky or too personal to reveal by other means. In many ways, this form of therapy helps therapists gain insight into a teen’s problems without them actively reaching out. Since teens are generally reluctant to express their feelings to adults, art becomes the support system to help them deal with their issues.
There are many art therapy activities for teens, and therapists can find the medium or mediums that best suit each client. It is important to note that in an art therapy program, the focus is not on the finished product. Instead, the main focus of art therapy for teens is the creative process. Allowing teens the time and space to create how they want helps them relax and express themselves in the ways they feel most comfortable.
Popular art therapy activities for teens include the following:
The benefits of art therapy for teens are numerous and can provide them with the breakthrough they need to work through their issues. As already stated, art therapy for teenagers provides another way to communicate with others. These programs stimulate the mind and allows teens to create something they can call their own. This allows them to gain a strong sense of confidence and self-control. When teens create art, they see they have produced something lasting and meaningful, which gives them a sense of purpose. Most importantly, art therapy for young adults may stoke a passion in some teens, and they can pursue art as a lifelong passion.
Teen treatment facilities that utilize art therapy programs must have proper licensure and a wide spectrum of options that can fit each client’s specific needs. Thrive Teen Treatment offers teen therapy in Los Angeles. Our dedicated staff has decades of cumulative experience in treating mental health issues in teens. Our teen-focused programs have been extensively tested and proven to work. Our personalized teen treatment programs focus on your teen’s specific needs and give them the tools to address and overcome their mental illness. Call Thrive Teen Treatment toll-free today and help your son or daughter find lasting health and happiness.